3 Easy Steps to Increase Productivity

Blog Post 2

3 Easy Steps to Increase Productivity

Productivity: Its what we all want more of, right? We want more hours in the day, to magically become morning people, and to check off all of the things that we write down onto our ambitious to-do lists. What are all of those amazing people on Instagram hiding from us? Lucky for you, down below I'll share the secrets that the most productive people all know and follow.

Step 1: Pull out that planner! I can bet that you buy a new one at the beginning of every year, just hoping to fill it with your to-do lists, doctors appointments, and more. Many of you might have even bought a bullet journal and markers after scrolling through calligraphy videos for hours on Instagram.  However, the notebooks and agendas have sat in a corner, still with the price sticker on the front and never opened. Well, today is the day that we bust out those pens and get to planning. Can't write or draw as well as you would like? Still make the effort, because these things will only come with practice. Before you know it, you will have mastered both calligraphy and that planner.

Step 2: Use a sleep tracker! There are so many different styles, from apps to FitBits and more, and they all work to achieve the same goal: improving your sleep. I even recommend the one that is built in to the iPhone, as it shows trends and tracks your sleep from day to day. It even tracks the quality of your sleep, and displays the different levels of the sleep cycle through the night. Using a sleep tracker has greatly improved the sleep of so many people, and better sleep means no more oversleeping, instantly turning you into a morning person!

Step 3: Drink more water! Basic, I know, but truly the most important step out of the three in improving your productivity. Too many people live their daily lives dehydrated, and just a few glasses a day make a huge difference in your productivity. I personally recommend the 700 mL sport top bottle from Poland Spring! It is the perfect size to measure out the amounts of water that you need per day. Just two 700 mL bottles will keep your mind fresh, body moving, and help you feel so much more awake and ready for the day.

All in all, these things will improve your productivity, and help you make the most use of your days! And the easiest part is, they are all things that are accessible. You can find a Poland Spring Sport Top bottle at almost any grocery store, and get your life moving today!
